Selling online is the hottest marketing trend today. In fact, if your business is not online, it figuratively does not exist! Speaking of online sales eBay is one of the oldest and largest online marketplaces.
And if you are reading this article you are probably inspired by the story of Nasty Gal or are trying to improve your current clothing sales on eBay. People sell all kinds of clothes on eBay.
There’s a reason why eBay is such a large marketplace and you can buy here, pretty much everything under the sun. If you have chosen to clothe as your niche if you are a college student trying to make a few bucks selling your old clothes, or a Nasty Gal trying to flip clothes and be your own boss,
Here’s how you can sell clothes on eBay like a pro.
Getting Started with the right username
Although eBay does allow you to change your username every 30 days, it is not the best idea to keep switching names.
When you said you wanted to be a pro, you meant that you wanted to build a brand, right? Let’s try to get started with a good username because names like sugarplum or sweetie-pie don’t exactly instill confidence in buyers.
Let’s try to keep it professional.
Use 360-degree photos
When people buy clothes, they want to know what exactly the item of clothing looks like and more importantly how it will look on them.
Instead of displaying your item on a hangar, it is highly recommended that you use a mannequin or model it yourself. Always use a good background for the pictures – something that will accentuate the clothing item.
Upload pictures of how it looks from the front, back, side and if it has any interesting buttons, logos, stitching, make sure you upload those photos as well. Let the photos tell a story.
These little details help the buyer visualize how the item will fit them and helps them be sure. If you leave scope for doubt, that doesn’t really help your sales. If you want to spike your buyers’ interest, you need to pay interest first and put in a little effort.
Include Product Details
Every buyer wants to know what he is buying. They want to know the fabric, the measurements, brand labels if any, colors, washing instructions – basically everything you look for when you buy clothes in a brick and mortar store.
Besides, there are other buyers who only look for specific fabrics, some want to avoid fabrics that can only be dry cleaned, and then there is always the factor of size.
When you add all these details, you give confidence to the buyer that about the purchase. When your potential customer doesn’t find these details alongside your product, they easily move to the next listing rather than putting in the effort of asking a question – just because it seems a lot easier.
Let’s try not to lose customers just because you did not want to add product details.
Create an attention-grabbing Product Title
Just because you created a listing on eBay, doesn’t mean it is automatically going to sell itself.
Because, let’s face it, a lot of people created listings. If you want your listing to stand out, you need to make it easier for your customers to search. This is where the keyword factor comes in – determine the best keyword phrases that will net to your customers.
One free tool you can use to determine popular keywords that you can use for your eBay listing is Keyword Tool Dominator.
Start by creating a compelling product title which should contain the brand, the size, the type of clothing (in that very order). Do not use capitalization or symbols because that’s not how a customer is going to search and your listing won’t show up in their search results.
Make the most of the 55 characters that eBay allows you to use in your title. You can also use eBay acronyms like BN (Brand New), BNWT (Brand New with Tags), and VGC (very good condition) in your title to indicate product condition.
Optimise your Product Description
After a customer has found your listing, the product description is the most important part which can make your break the deal. This is where the salesman in your needs to show off some merchandising skills.
To begin with, use the HTML function to create polished templates that look snazzy, instead of just typing out a plain description. And when you are typing out the product description, start by putting yourself in the customer’s place.
Take time to write down the description, make it clear, concise and pack in the right keywords. The description should be informative and accurate.Be honest about what you are offering.
If your clothing has any stand out features, make sure you include them in the description. Better yet, offer some style advice; if you can, add suggestions about accessories – it helps the customer see the whole picture and increases their likelihood of buying from you.
Offer a good return policy
As much as it hurts to think that your product might be returned, it is something that will certainly help your sales.
At the end of the day, online buying is a tricky business. Buyers don’t want to be stuck with a dress that doesn’t fit them or something which doesn’t look good on them.
“No return policies” do not make the customer confident about the purchase and they will instantly move to a listing which has a generous return policy. Also, if you have a 30-day return policy, it helps you rank higher in the eBay search algorithm.
Use these tips to increase the likelihood of making a sale on eBay. Always remember to factor in the shipping and packing costs, PayPal/ payment gateway fees, and the eBay commission into the price you are offering.
It doesn’t need a lot of start-up cost or infrastructure but by being diligent you can also make a good amount of money selling clothes on eBay.